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Compliance is a word that can strike fear in the heart of even the most confident employer. Quickly get peace of mind with our complimentary review so you know exactly where you’re hitting the target and where you may have risk and exposure.

The education and procedures we help you put in place keep you compliant for years to come. On-site consulting and training are available.

What are the most common small business compliance issues?

  • State and Federal posters: Fines can be imposed if they are not compliant
  • Not having Worker’s Compensation Insurance
  • Job misclassification
  • Employment eligibility
  • Payroll and overtime
  • Hiring and firing
  • Employee discipline procedures
  • Risk mitigation, lawsuit avoidance
  • IRS and EDD risk mitigation

Help is on the way!

Contact Integrity HR today for a complimentary meeting to discuss what you can do NOW to keep your business compliant.